To provide an organisation for ASEAN Accountants for the further advancement of the status of the profession in the region with the view to establishing an ASEAN philosophy on the accounting profession.
115th AFA Council Meeting
Royal Ambarrukmo Hotel, Yogyakarta (13 June 2014)
The Indonesian Institute of Accountants (IAI) has successfully hosted the 115th AFA Council Meeting on 13 June 2014, as part of the week long event that includes a two-day technical seminar by the Indonesian Financial Accounting Standards Board, a two-day public sector conference and the IAI-AFA seminar on the ASEAN Integrated Accounting Profession for Sustainable Economics Growth. More than 50 speakers and moderators and 700 participants participated in the event that were held simultaneously at the Royal Ambarrukmo Hotel and the Eastparc Hotel, Yogyakarta.
The 115th AFA Council Meeting was attended by all AFA members, with the exception of FAP and VAA. Special to this meeting, three past AFA officers were also in attendance. Past AFA Presidents Dr. Djoko Susanto (1994-1995) and Mr. Ahmadi Hadibroto (2006-2007) of Indonesia, and past AFA Deputy President Mr. Nik Mohd Hasyudeen Yusoff (2008-2009) attended the meeting as honourable invitees and took part in the strategic discussion on AFA′s strategic direction that was the main topic for the day.
The meeting in Yogya was also a monumental one for Atty. Josefe Sorrera-Ty of PICPA and Mr. Frankie Chia of ISCA who were inducted in front of all the Council members as AFA′s new Secretary General and Treasurer, respectively. This marked the participation of past AFA Secretary General, Mr. Gerrard B. Sanvictores (PICPA) and Mr. Khoo Ho Tong (ISCA). The departure of in particular, Mr. Khoo, who has been with AFA since its early days, was a sad day for everyone who wished him on him future endeavours.
Other than the names above, the meeting was also attended by World Bank representative, Mr. Christopher Fabling who presented their latest findings on the current status of the accounting and auditing profession in the ASEAN region. Also, Mr. Brian Blood as the representative of CAPA was also in presence to present CAPA′s Maturity Model for the Development of the Professional Accountancy Organisations.
The highlights of this meeting were the active communication and cooperation between AFA and the World Bank in specifically, developing the capacity of the accountancy organisations and the accountancy profession in general, in the South East Asia region. Council members also discussed the important issue of AFA strategic direction and priorities for the upcoming years. As the umbrella organisation for the accountancy profession in the ASEAN region AFA acknowledged the importance of member capacity building as part of minimising the development gaps between the organisations, and ASEAN accountants in general.
LICPA (Lao PDR) will be the host for the next AFA Council Meeting (116th) in October 2014.
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